How to make Ghost ID (invisible name ID) on Facebook

Facebook is a very popular social networking site where people share there activities and interactive posts. everyone try to look different and unique.They share stylish pics and updates to become famous.Many of them have their Stylish and unique ID names on Facebook and they try to make their Facebook id more unique.
Invisible name ID or Ghost ID is one of very unique and interesting method to become famous on Facebook. Invisible name ID or Ghost ID is a kind of Facebook ID that have no name.Is it not interesting? even Is it possible? yes.
Today i am gonna show you how to make Ghost name ID on Facebook. So let's start and follow the steps given below.
How to make Ghost ID (invisible name ID) on Facebook
 Method 1 for PC users
1) First of all open your Firefox browser.

2) Click on tools > options> advance > network > settings

3) Check on manual proxy configuration and use ""  as proxy and "8080'' as port.

4) Now click OK to save it and login your Facebook account.

5)After doing that, click on settings and change the language to Bahasa Indonesia.

6) Then click on name edit and remove your both first and last name, copy the boxes given below

and paste them in both first name and last name.

7)Confirm your password and save it.

8) Change your language back to English or whatever you want and delete and proxy settings.

9) That's it.

Method 2 (for mobile phone users)

1) First of all open your UC browser.

2)Go to your browser settings > network > proxy server use ""  as proxy and "8080'' as port. In the Box Below it Write

3) Now open your Facebook account. Settings > General > Language > Change your Language to Bahasa Indonesia and save all the settings.

4) After doing that click on name edit and remove your both first and last name, copy the boxes given below and paste them in both first name and last name.
7)Confirm your password and save it.

8) Change your language back to English or whatever

you want and delete and proxy settings.

9) That's it.

If I have managed to help with your issues, please share this page to help other people.

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My Name is Qasim, I'm an IT student and part time blogger.I try to share the solutions of different problems that I face in daily life regarding Computer and IT. If you like my work then please keep visiting my site and share it with your friends.Thank you for visiting my blog.

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