How to make a song name or Long name ID on Facebook

Nowadays you guys may see the many Facebook accounts with long song names.Many people want to make these kind of song name ID on Facebook but Facebook does not allow these kind of names.So you can't get a long name ID unless you use some kind of trick. If you also want to make a song name id on Facebook then you are at right place.Today i will show you guys how to make a Song name or long name ID on Facebook. Just follow the few simple steps given below.

How to make a song name or Long name ID on Facebook.

Method 1 (For Mobile phone users):

Step 1: First of all install Google Japanese keyboard from Play store.After installing the Japanese keyboard you need to set it in your device.

Step 2: Install Hola VPN from Play Store.

Step 3: Open Hola vpn, click on Facebook icon, set Japan as proxy and open the Facebook.

Step 4: Go to account settings > General > edit name and clear your first and last name.

Step 5: Write song name without giving any space, copy and paste Japanese symbol (々) at start and end of song name.Then change your keyboard to Japanese Keyboard and give space among all the words.Follow screenshots.

Step 6:  Click Review Change, write your password and then click on save changes.

Step 7 : That's it, Enjoy.

Method 2 (For  PC users):

Step 1 : Open your Firefox browser.

Step 2 : Go to advance > network > settings and set  " "as proxy and "8080" as port.

Step 3 : Now visit and login to your Facebook account.

Step 4 :  Go to settings > General > Name and click on edit.

Step 5 : Clear first and last name,Write song name using Japanese symbol (々) at start and end of name.Please don't use normal space in between words you must use Japanese  space ( ) otherwise your name will not be accepted by Facebook.

Step 6 : Retype your password and click review change.

Step 7 : That's it.  

If I have managed to help with your issues, please share this page to help other people.
How to make a song name or Long name ID on Facebook.

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My Name is Qasim, I'm an IT student and part time blogger.I try to share the solutions of different problems that I face in daily life regarding Computer and IT. If you like my work then please keep visiting my site and share it with your friends.Thank you for visiting my blog.

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