How to make Stylish name ID on Facebook 2016

Facebook is the biggest social media site where millions of people share their incidents in chat or status.They chat and share their pics with family and friends. Daily thousand of people are joining Facebook and millions of people share their stylish pics and status to look different and unique. They try different methods to become popular.Stylish name on Facebook account is also one of the method used to look unique and stylish.
Stylish names are actually made by using messletters. Facebook doesn't allow its users to keep these kinds of names but still we see many people on Facebook with stylish names.How Facebook accept
their names?If you want this trick then you are at right place.Today I will teach you how to make stylish name Facebook account.I have already posted some of the interesting Facebook tricks including 'How to make a single name account on Facebook, How to make Ghost name account on Facebook' .So Just follow the simple steps given below to make stylish name Facebook account.

How to make Stylish name ID on Facebook 2016

Method 1 (For Mobile users):-
1) : open your web browser, go to and make your stylish name with messletters.

2) : Copy the name that you want as your Facebook account name.

3) : Install Hola VPN from play store.

4) : After installing Hola, Open it,click on Facebook icon, select proxy country Spain and then open Facebook.

5) : Go to your account settings > General > edit name, remove your current name  and paste your new stylish name that you made by using messletters.

6) : click on review change, retype your password and click OK

7) : That's it.Enjoy

Method 2 (For PC users):-

1) : Open firefox browser, visit, create your stylish name and copy it.

2) : Now you need to set a proxy, go to settings > advanced > general and set " "as proxy and " 8080 "as port.then click ok to save changes.

3) : visit, go to settings, clear your current name and paste new stylish name.

4) : Click review changes, retype your password and click confirm.

5) : Go to your browser network settings reset proxy settings.

6) : That's it. Enjoy

How to make Stylish name ID on Facebook 2016.

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My Name is Qasim, I'm an IT student and part time blogger.I try to share the solutions of different problems that I face in daily life regarding Computer and IT. If you like my work then please keep visiting my site and share it with your friends.Thank you for visiting my blog.

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